Guest Book
Evgeniy Ukraine
Thursday, 26 January 2012 | Ukraine/Kyiv
Hi, Xaviera
Thank you for your wonderful book "Madam".Thanks to her, I opened up the sexy, love *** even more. Kiss you) With love, Evgeniy.

Daniele Pascal
Saturday, 14 January 2012 | Durbanville South-Africa
Hi Xaviera,
I must say we go back many years... out of site but never out of mind!!I am the French lady-singer you met in a weard little club in Amsterdam because I misted my train and you offered your home to me and my pianist and if you remember we walked your dog and we had long conversations about life, ***, woman, men and your glamarous career. I'm still singing all this wonderful French melodies & I lost contact with you since 1994. I have a guesthouse in Capetown & am inviting you. Daniele. Big hug from the FRENCH MADAME.
I must say we go back many years... out of site but never out of mind!!I am the French lady-singer you met in a weard little club in Amsterdam because I misted my train and you offered your home to me and my pianist and if you remember we walked your dog and we had long conversations about life, ***, woman, men and your glamarous career. I'm still singing all this wonderful French melodies & I lost contact with you since 1994. I have a guesthouse in Capetown & am inviting you. Daniele. Big hug from the FRENCH MADAME.

love to find out more about you in a private email maybe to my email address which is still very busy in my life, but lots of fun as well as work as a bb business as well as theatre producer. love xaviera and thanks for this comment xaviera hollander
Sylvia & Peter
Monday, 19 December 2011
Dear Xaviera and Philippe,
We want to thank you for our wonderful stay at your B&B the past weekend.
Really appreciated the warm welcome, the fresh flowers, the delicious breakfast.
Looking forward meeting you and Philippe again in the near future
Big hug and kisses
Sylvia and Peter
We want to thank you for our wonderful stay at your B&B the past weekend.
Really appreciated the warm welcome, the fresh flowers, the delicious breakfast.
Looking forward meeting you and Philippe again in the near future
Big hug and kisses
Sylvia and Peter
Leonardo Soares
Wednesday, 30 November 2011 | Brasil
Olá Xaviera Hollander. Tudo bem com você? Espero que esteja tudo maravilhosamente bem.Atualmente, estou lendo o seu livro Xaviera e é uma leitura com alto nível e sem ser algo cansativo, pois a medida que passamos as páginas com leituras, diariamente, mais dá desejo de saber o que irá acontecer em suas próximas aventuras amorosas. Talvez eu seja o seu mais novo admirador por que há pouco tempo conheci a sua obra. Desde já agradeço por ter escrito livros que estão sempre entre os melhores. Desejo-lhe felicidades e que venham mais livros pela frente. Abraços enorme.
Casimire Williamsii
Thursday, 10 November 2011 | Portland Oregon
I loved you're book back in 1971 and always admired you! You really liberated a lot of us in this opressive country. Thank You I have always been a big fan of yours! XOXO Casimire
101 entries in guestbook
Stadionweg 17, Amsterdam, Noord Holland - 1077RV, The Netherlands +31(0)20 6733934
Great I hope you will teach others