Guest Book
Graham Masterton
Sunday, 29 May 2011
For some reason I was thinking about you the other day, Xaviera. Remember Penthouse in London back in 1973? I was the editor of the UK edition. I'm a little older now but I still remember what fun you were.
Anthony Sortino
Monday, 23 May 2011 | Canada
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Grazie , Merci, Thanks for existing Xaviera !
Thanks much for the emotions that I went trough during my teen years, while reading your books
Thanks much for the emotions that I went trough during my teen years, while reading your books

Linda Marie
Friday, 06 May 2011 | Florida, USA
I read your books back in the 70's, I'm going to get them all and read them again. I love you.

i think that will be a difficult task as so many of them are long sold out. if you check my webshop you will find the happy hooker still on sale as well as my favorite new book Child no more,... and a cute tip book with 69 tips i give to men on how to become a better lover. why not order these books and i will personally sign and dedicate them to you. love xaviera
David J. Tower
Wednesday, 04 May 2011 | Grand Rapids, MI, USA
I'm an English professor of almost exactly your age, so I couldn't give your website a 5 as that would not constitute any one of the Best Teaching Practices.
Just this week made reference to your name in class because several of my students are Hollanders...from Holland, MI of course. Irony is the spice of literature, yes?
You really helped me when I was younger. Wanted to thank you for that. Got me over the hump as it were, though that skirmish has yet to see a resolution.
Perhaps you will write back.
Just this week made reference to your name in class because several of my students are Hollanders...from Holland, MI of course. Irony is the spice of literature, yes?
You really helped me when I was younger. Wanted to thank you for that. Got me over the hump as it were, though that skirmish has yet to see a resolution.
Perhaps you will write back.

ah and I have had a fantastic love affair with an English professor from New York. It lasted for a year and we met each holiday session he was free to visit me in Holland. The many brainy and witty emails we sent were incredible: poetry, quotes, love songs... ah the fucking of the brain with words not only spoken but written was delightful. not the usual phoning and skyping... but written. send me some interesting thoughts to my personal email address or do come and visit me in Amsterdam some time, it is so much closer than new york .; I presume you live in the uk. or am I wrong.I now produce UK language theater plays handpicked at the Edinburgh theater festival where i have gone to for the last 33 years, as well as run a fun bed and breakfast in Amsterdam
Tilly van Dijk
Thursday, 21 April 2011 | Wezep
Lieve mooie Xaviera, want dat vind ik nog steeds.
Ik heb ook even jouw mooie website bekeken en er van genoten. Ziet er heel erg verzorgd en smaakvol uit.
Wat ontzettend lief en leuk dat je ons komt opzoeken en wij verheugen ons er op.
Wij komen zeker een keer gebruik maken van je B&B als wij naar Amsterdam gaan.
Hele lieve groet,,Tilly
Ik heb ook even jouw mooie website bekeken en er van genoten. Ziet er heel erg verzorgd en smaakvol uit.
Wat ontzettend lief en leuk dat je ons komt opzoeken en wij verheugen ons er op.
Wij komen zeker een keer gebruik maken van je B&B als wij naar Amsterdam gaan.
Hele lieve groet,,Tilly

zijn nu even een maandje aan het onthaasten in mijn villa in Marbella. prachtig weer en wakker worden met de vogeltjes in onze mooie tuin. check it out we zien jullie 2 juli... tot dan. geniet van het heerlijke weer of valt dat alweer tegen in holland.
101 entries in guestbook
Stadionweg 17, Amsterdam, Noord Holland - 1077RV, The Netherlands +31(0)20 6733934
those were the days my friend.
Too bad that entire empire crumbled when Bob lost it all and was sacked as a sex adviser after 35 years, ah well back to beds.. with a flourishing bed and breakfast in Amsterdam and Spain and still hearing many tall tales from my visitors... ever come to Amsterdam? if so come and look me up.I know gucciones sons in the usa.. poor guy, BOB he recently died in agony and broke.