Guest Book
Xavier Mojica
Thursday, 24 February 2011 | New York

Dear Xaviera:
As a pre-teen growing up in Puerto Rico back in the 70s, i found your classic book on my older sister's closet. It became my earliest *** manual. Thank You for a life well-lived & for the inspiration. Can't wait to see the documentary about your life & journey.
Viva la Vida Xaviera!
Jamie K
Wednesday, 09 February 2011
Xaviera Hollander - I am a student in Colorado looking to get your insight for the research topic "The Legalization of Prostitution in the United States." I emailed you a letter to, and I hope that works. I would greatly appreciate your time! Thank you so much.

my life is so busy with my bed and breakfast and theater productions that I have little or no time to check out all things about legalization matters. I am for years NO LONGER a prostitute so my interests lay in different subjects.
Friday, 04 February 2011 | England
I remember reading your book when it first came out. I was 16 then and had no idea about anything. Your book was a revelation for me. Thank you x

if yo check the webshop you will see a few more books I wrote on sale like the handy pocket size tip book with 69 tips on how to become a better lover.. check it out. love xaviera
Wednesday, 05 January 2011 | New Jersey
Hello Lovely Lady,
I owe a lot of my courage and boldness to you.
Stay as lovely as you are.
I owe a lot of my courage and boldness to you.
Stay as lovely as you are.

still going strong at 67 and loving every moment of my busy life. specially running a florishing Bed and Breakfast in Amasterdam. if you ever come this way do look me up
kiss xaviera
irit cohen
Wednesday, 22 December 2010 | Israel
Dear fascinating woman
I am 59 years old
and for the first time encountered
your inspiring luscious feminine personality and beauty.
I am a mother of an 11 yrs old adorable(adopted) daughter and sharing my life with a male partner.
You certainly project such warmth, intensity and courage but especially integrity - immensely inspiring!!!
I would have loved to meet you personally some day.
So - at this point - if you are to come to Israel
let me know
My best wishes to you for a happy joyful radiating healthy life...keep partying
and enjoying every moment -
you earned every bit of it
I am 59 years old
and for the first time encountered
your inspiring luscious feminine personality and beauty.
I am a mother of an 11 yrs old adorable(adopted) daughter and sharing my life with a male partner.
You certainly project such warmth, intensity and courage but especially integrity - immensely inspiring!!!
I would have loved to meet you personally some day.
So - at this point - if you are to come to Israel
let me know
My best wishes to you for a happy joyful radiating healthy life...keep partying
and enjoying every moment -
you earned every bit of it

sorry but i was just in Israel two years ago to host my documentary at the DOCAVI festival
don't think i will come in the near future. hope to see you some day in Amsterdam maybe? Shalom xaviera
101 entries in guestbook
Stadionweg 17, Amsterdam, Noord Holland - 1077RV, The Netherlands +31(0)20 6733934
for your information my darling, the docu IS out and well even available on my own website of your look for the webshop you will find it. so peruse the web and order it directly with me, and.or even some more of my sexy books
love xaviera