Guest Book
Amber Ash
Thursday, 24 May 2012 | Scotland
Hi Xaviera,
I remember picking up your book from my mother's bedside table. A child then, I read it. I had already been groomed by my uncles. Since then I have had a pretty 'normal' life but now in my 50'th year I'd like to pursue my own life.
Glad that you are recovering. Hopefully I will meet you in Amsterdam to finish my education. x x
I remember picking up your book from my mother's bedside table. A child then, I read it. I had already been groomed by my uncles. Since then I have had a pretty 'normal' life but now in my 50'th year I'd like to pursue my own life.
Glad that you are recovering. Hopefully I will meet you in Amsterdam to finish my education. x x
Leslie Garone
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Dear Ms. Hollander, I am sure you meet alot of people, but meeting you is one memory I will never forget. Drew and I were in Amsterdam (me for the first time) last Easter and you and Phillip opened your home to us for a very nice visit. Bought a few things from you all, got some pics and had a lovely visit. We stayed too long and missed the train and Phillip ended up taking us back into town. Just read your newsletter and I am so glad that you are doing better after the operation! Take care of your sweet self, enjoy Spain and hope to get the thrill of seeing you again! Leslie

try and make it over to this part of Europe where it is invariably all year round great and warm weather and we don't have to fly for many hours to countries like Mexico or South America or the Far East to find sunshine and tranquility!!
check this website for more information
Judy Cubillos
Friday, 17 February 2012
Xaviera, I will have to say that YOU and you alone were and are my sexual mentor from the time I first babysat for our local Pharmacist and his wife on Saturdays. I was very young, I thought I was 13, but your book info says that you first published in '72. So according to that, I was a sophomore in High School. Oh well, "The Happy Hooker" taught me things that I might have never known and I was able to come to totally understand how incredible *** could be. Not so much for me (not sure why), but learning how to give it. And I've continued to learn. I've spoken about you to everyone important in my life and have sung your praises. YOU WERE MY TRUE TEACHER, and I've never even bought your book until now. I want to read it again and again and again. I'm a very sensual person and I raised my three boys to be the same way. Always open door policy on discussions about ***. Thank you SO MUCH for being there right when I needed you. I'm ordering 2 books right now (one for my best friend) and of course one for me. I may order more after that. I adore you and hope that you continue sharing your knowledge with us all. With my sincere love, judy cubillos

so ncie to read this. So the book wss not just a horny book but also educational. If you check my website shop you will see some other interesting books I can arrange for you with autograph to whomever you wish. just check that webshop.
maybe some day we can meet at our fun bed and breakfast in Amsterdam and meet in reality. Thanks for all your sweet comments. be well and be loved for as long as you enjoy it.
Tuesday, 07 February 2012
Bonjour Madam', bonjour Xaviera.
J'ai été charmé par votre personnalité "innocente" et entière en vous lisant dans Madam'. Une tendre amie m'a offert deux de vos livres et je viens d'achever donc Madam'. L'évolution de notre liaison lui a fait penser à vous sur certains aspects. Je ne savais rien de vous avant mais votre liberté est rafraichissante pour moi. Je vais sur mes 36 ans et je ne finis pas de me découvrir dans "mon monde" d'introverti.
Je vais entamer "La meilleure part de l'homme" et je tenais à vous exprimer ma gratitude pour avoir révélé votre force dans ce monde de fous.
J'ai été charmé par votre personnalité "innocente" et entière en vous lisant dans Madam'. Une tendre amie m'a offert deux de vos livres et je viens d'achever donc Madam'. L'évolution de notre liaison lui a fait penser à vous sur certains aspects. Je ne savais rien de vous avant mais votre liberté est rafraichissante pour moi. Je vais sur mes 36 ans et je ne finis pas de me découvrir dans "mon monde" d'introverti.
Je vais entamer "La meilleure part de l'homme" et je tenais à vous exprimer ma gratitude pour avoir révélé votre force dans ce monde de fous.

merci pour tous vos compliments. lisez sure mon website/webshop quoi d'autres choses il y an en vente
peutetre un jour vous venez me voir dand mon Bed and Breakfast a Amsterdam.... avec l'amour Xaviera
gregorio h
Monday, 30 January 2012 | washington state
Bueno,gregorio from mexico have any pics from our hookup.......remember our side trip to mexico city...I made a mistake and brought another girl along, susan.

you do have pics from that time. if so please send some on to my private email address
101 entries in guestbook
Stadionweg 17, Amsterdam, Noord Holland - 1077RV, The Netherlands +31(0)20 6733934
some people even younger than you find my book in their GRAND parents house after they died and the house gets emptied out! still going strong , you obviously know where to find me . Love Xaviera